The bad part about male goats is 100% related to their sexual maturity. As a means of attracting females, bucks urinate on their own face and hump everything in their path. Apparently the stinkier the goat, the more appealing he is to the ladies. The stink aspect is also true with female goats. It's rather unmistakable when a doe is in heat.
All gross-ness aside, Egglentine has been showing signs of being ready to mate, so we've put her and The Damon together. is hilarious.
Here is what we humans see of the interaction:
However, I feel if we were to see this through the eyes of a goat,
the struggle for Eggie's heart would look much more like this.
the struggle for Eggie's heart would look much more like this.
So, hopefully if everything goes according to plan, we will be welcoming a few more goats to our herd come springtime! I will keep you posted!!
Ahaha, this killed me.