Found any box turtles lately? Whether they're young, old, alive -- or even, forbid...dead -- report them to the Virginia Herpetological Society! The VHS is a group based on conservation, education, and research of Virginia's indigenous reptiles and amphibians. Box turtles are a very important part of Virginia's ecosystem, and we can all be a part of the research! Any time you happen across a box turtle either in the road or in your back yard, visit www.VirginiaHerpetologicalSociety.com and report your sighting by scrolling down and clicking on the icon seen in this post. Please confirm that the turtle in question is indeed a box turtle and not another common species. Box turtles look very different at each stage of growth, so use a field guide or the VHS website to help you properly identify the turtle. Then, fill out the online report form with as much information as possible, and submit! Just like that you can be a part of the research, tracking, and study of this important species.
For a direct link to the report form, click here.
For our non-Virginia resident blog followers, look into your own area's wildlife programs and see if there are any similar studies being conducted in your neck of the woods. If so, we'd love to hear about it!