Hello all!
It's gorgeous up on Pocosan Mtn today. We haven't seen clear skies in what feels like months. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and we can see blue skies for miles! With today's spring-anticipation-inducing weather it's the perfect opportunity to spread the news about the Yurt we've built! As of the first of this year our Yurt has been fully functioning as a bed and breakfast. Stay the weekend, stay a week, or even stay a month or two if you need it! Check out the pictures below to see the before and afters of the project!
We raised the Yurt in one day with a lot of help from our friends and family back in April of 2010. The structure is 30' in diameter, and 18' high at the center with approx. 1,200sq. ft. of living space. The inner walls are comprised of wooden lattice stretched between two doors (the front door and back door) with steel cable woven through the top of the lattice for support.
Mia, Whitt, and Mary showing off the new walls!
The roof is then attached to the steel cable by way of slots in the end of the ceiling beams. A torsion ring in the center of the ceiling connects to the beams providing the downward force that keeps the Yurt all together.

Tristan and Sam using some elbow grease to keep it steady!

Sliding the cable into the slot on the beam.
The outer shell is three layers: inner cloth lining, high efficiency insulation, and a strong coated fabric outer shell which provides protection from the elements for 30years.

The first layer getting fitted.
After the outer structure is complete, the inside is a completely blank slate. Whitt and Martha could do whatever they wanted as far as design, commodities, rooms, etc. They quickly worked wonders and came up with the design scheme which can be seen in the finished product. With tools in hand Whitt headed the build (essentially doing all of the work himself with our help when two hands weren't enough). Construction of the Yurt was officially complete in November of 2010. See the pictures below for a tour!

Plenty of parking next to the fire pit! And yes! The Yurt is handicap accessible!

Just inside the front door to the right: living room. The bedroom can be closed off from the living area if chosen.

Just inside the front door to the left: kitchen and dining area as well as the stairs up to the loft.

A look straight up and out the sky light!

A closer view of the bedroom.

A closer view of the FULL kitchen (dishwasher included!).

A view down the hall and out the back door.

Down the hall to the right: second entrance to the bedroom.

Down the hall to the left (across from bedroom door): Full bathroom!

The loft.

The view from the loft!

Propane powered for safety and warmth!

Tsuki & Oskar enjoying there first and ONLY chance to relax in the Yurt! No dogs allowed, but since they helped so much with the build, we gave them a freebie.
For more information on renting the Yurt, check out
AirBnB! All of the reservations can be taken care of via the website. Select Virginia: Charlottesville Area and it should pop up, OR search for Blue Ridge Mountain Yurt in the search bar. And remember you can always contact myself, Whitt, Martha, Mia or any of us to reserve your stay as well!